Introducing "Feminist Rants" with Becky Mollenkamp

[To continue receiving the new Feminist Rants are My Superpower newsletter, you MUST click here to opt in.]

Welcome to a new Becky Mollenkamp joint...

New newsletter, new look, same feminist shit.

During a catch-up call this week, a biz friend asked about the email list for my coaching business. I had to confess that I don't have one.

I used to. But then I moved to Substack in 2023 when I launched Feminist Founders newsletter. That was perfect...until now.

This year, I've partnered with Faith Clarke to expand the Feminist Founders community. It no longer only represents me and my business. It's becoming something so much bigger.

That has left me without a solo space to talk about my work.

Enter Feminist Rants are My Superpower.

I'm excited to start this new monthly-ish newsletter where I'll talk about whatever the fuck I want, always grounded in intersectional feminism.

I don't have a strategy or a plan. I'm flying by the seat of my yoga pants, which is my favorite way to operate.

Whether it's coaching a client, parenting, or creating a new offer, things always work well for me when I do what feels good and right.

If I had to guess, though, this will be a space where I'll share:

… gems uncovered in my coaching work,
… personal experiences running a feminist business,
… resources I enjoy or find helpful,
… my latest offers or the fun stuff I'm working on,
… random feminist rants related to business, politics, or pop culture,
... and anything that lights me up.

This won't be for everyone.

So far, only 9 of the 700+ people on this years-old email list have opted into this new venture. 🤣 That's totally cool if most of you aren't interested (after all, I don't want to speak to people who don't want to hear what I have to share).

But I want to give you another chance.

If what I'm promising sounds interesting, CLICK HERE TO OPT IN.

(If you don't opt in, I'll remove you from my list ... or you can unsubscribe below.)


Debt isn't a bad word! Join me and Meg Wheeler of Equitable Money Project for a free workshop on Thursday, Jan. 23rd to face your finances without blame or shame. We want to help you make debt paydown a reality in 2025.


What do you want to hear?

Pretty please hit reply and tell me what you'd like me to share here. 🙏

• What have you always wondered about my work or my life?
• What challenges do you encounter running a business as a feminist?
• What piques your curiosity about feminist business coaching?
• What do you not see other business coaches talking about?
• What random nonsense would help you better survive 2025?

Your feedback would truly mean the world to me, so don't leave me hanging!

I’m glad you’re here. I can't wait to kick 2025's ass with you by my side.

11673 Holly Springs Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146
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Feminist Rants Are My Superpower

A monthly-ish newsletter for entrepreneurs who want to use their businesses to disrupt toxic capitalism (and other random feminist rants).

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